Friday, March 4, 2016

Eyes like raisins stuffed in a bun

Why do the eyes of people in one part of the country look like raisins stuffed into a bun? Is it fair to say? There are exceptions. 

Why do the eyes of people in another part of the country shine with life? Is it fair to say? There are exceptions. 

Why do people in one part of the country focus their hands on their mouths, noses, and on their enormous growing bellies? Is it fair to say? I've only seen hundreds of them. 

Why do people in another part of the country pick up their hands to wave enthusiastic and full of joy as a train goes by? Is it fair to say? I've only seen hundreds. 

Do you like how I don't tell which country or which parts of the country? Could it be because I'm trying to introduce fairness to an unfair part of the world?

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